
10 Ways to Use Your Brand Photos in Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

You’ve heard over and over again about the importance of quality images for your branding. Visuals that support and promote your business are integral to your business’ success in marketing. 

So you decide to set up a branding shoot. You hire a Fairhope photographer to help you plan and create beautiful images that showcase you and your business. You’re in love with your images and excited about how they will help improve your business.

But…what do you do with your images? Sometimes we forget about that part. However, knowing where to put your images and putting them to creative uses will help you get so much more out of your investment. 

So let’s explore 10 different ways you can use your brand photos in your marketing strategy with amazing results. 

1. Social Media

Social media is the obvious place to start, right? In fact, many business owners are looking for high-quality content they can use to promote themselves on social media. That’s why they schedule a branding shoot in the first place.

While quick phone snaps taken by the business owner still have their place, beautiful, professionally crafted images are becoming more necessary to reach your audience. Every day people are dazzled — bombarded — with hundreds, perhaps thousands of images. 

If you want your images to stand out from the crowd, they need to be of scroll-stopping quality! 

So use your branding photos on social media. This will help you to create a consistent look for your marketing that will (hopefully) become recognizable to your audience. And don’t be afraid to get creative, you can reuse the same images in different ways to stretch their usefulness. 

2. Website

Your website is another somewhat obvious spot. This is your little piece of real estate on the Internet and your branding images help to make it yours. 

When people visit your website, they should leave feeling like they’ve met a new friend. If they don’t know what you look like or didn’t see a single photo of you doing what you love, it’s really hard for them to make that connection. 

But if your smiling face appears and visitors can browse both photos of your work and photos of you at work — they’ll leave feeling like they got a glimpse of you! This will go a long way in helping them decide if they want to work with you.

3. Blog

The blog (oh the blog!) This is an area where many business owners struggle with marketing strategy. It’s totally understandable. It takes time to craft rich, helpful content that people will want to read and gain value from. 

But blogs are a rich source of traffic — if you can get your content in front of the right people. 

Your branding photos help make your blogs stand out. They look professional, ensuring your audience that you know what you’re talking about. You were willing to invest in quality images, which subconsciously tells the reader you are an expert in your field.

Plus, pretty pictures are a great way to break up blocks of text and prevent reader fatigue as they read through your content.

4. E-mail Marketing

E-mail marketing is another area where many business owners struggle. But it’s also a rich source of income when done correctly. 

The ROI (return on investment) of email marketing varies for each business, but on average is about $36 for every $1 spent. That’s pretty impressive! It makes sense because you can only get emails if people give them to you, so they are already a warm audience.

And you know what makes your emails more impactful? That’s right! Product photography or brand photos that reach out and display your products or services in a tasteful and appealing way.

5. E-Commerce Products

If you’re going to sell products on the Internet, product photography is essential. And photos of your items against plain white backgrounds aren’t always the best way to resonate with people. 

In fact, it really doesn’t resonate with people anymore. Amazon’s still over there doing their white background but that’s Amazon.

Small business owners need images of their products in context or people using their products. If you really want to increase conversions, don’t forget detail images of the product. Customers can’t touch or handle the product, so they need to at least be able to see everything about it! 

These types of product photography make it easier for the viewer to resonate with the product and buy it — even when it’s not from a recognized brand like Amazon. 

So, make sure to add plenty of images to your product descriptions so viewers can easily envision themselves using your product. And this is a perfect place for your beautiful branding images!

6. Pinterest

Pinterest is an underused secret weapon when it comes to marketing strategy. Unlike Instagram and Facebook, whose posts have a lifespan of 105 minutes and 20 hours respectively, Pinterest posts last for nearly 4 months!

Thus, you get more reward for the time spent on creating marketing materials for Pinterest. 

Pinterest relies heavily on visuals to attract interest and the competition is stiff. Whether it’s food photography, product photography, or general brand photography, you need amazing visuals that will stop the scroll and make people want to click on your content. 

7. Print Materials

Though most marketing has gone digital these days, don’t underestimate the importance of print materials. You might not be sending out mailers to random houses like some businesses do (nobody reads that stuff anymore, right?) but that doesn’t mean you won’t use printed stuff.

Brochures, flyers, business cards, and other printed marketing materials are still very useful when put in the right places. But again, the images are important if you want to catch your potential customer’s eye. 

Once again, this is a great spot to use those gorgeous images from your branding shoot. Once their interest is piqued by the photograph, they’ll be primed to read the information you’ve put in your brochure and (hopefully) be inspired to contact you!

8. Video Graphics

Instagram reels, Facebook stories, TikTok, and of course, the video king, YouTube, are all showing us that consumers love video content. But creating videos can feel overwhelming for many small business owners. 

Here’s a trick to help. 

Use your branding photos to create video graphics. You might mix it with actual video footage, or simply mix your photos with text to create an entire video purely out of images. 

Now, that’s not so scary, right?

9. Advertising

Every advertising campaign needs to be accompanied by pretty pictures. That’s just a fact. 

Nobody is going to even look twice at your ad if it’s just text. There needs to be a compelling visual element that will draw the viewer in.

Your branding images are perfect to use for all your advertising campaigns. It’s good to have an idea of the places and ways you want to advertise so you can discuss this with your branding photographer. They will help you build a library of images that work well for your chosen mediums. 

10. Packaging

You went through a lot of work to earn each customer. Your marketing has been great up to this point. Really impress your customers and foster brand loyalty by delivering their purchases in stunning, branded packaging. 

Slip a thank you note with your smiling face into each package or include instructions for use with easy-to-follow visuals. Get creative and have fun with it. These types of cherries on top are the things that will keep your customers coming back for more!

Bonus: Events

We said we were going to talk about 10 ways to use your brand photos in marketing, but here’s a bonus one. This one won’t apply to business owners who do their marketing purely online, but for businesses who do events, it is key.

Whether you’re hosting an event at your location or visiting a trade show or conference, your branding photos will be crucial! Use them to set up your booth or create flyers or brochures to hand out to visitors. 

For product launches, you’ll want plenty of photos of your product, happy people using your product, and perhaps even visual instructions for how to use it. 

At trade shows and similar events, use your images to quickly convey the product or service you are offering. This will attract the passersby who are most likely to be interested in your offerings and ultimately convert into customers.

Ready to update your image library?

Looking for a Fairhope photographer to help you create amazing images you can put to work for your business? Look no further, you’ve already found the best!

Reach out to us today to learn more about building your image library and updating/upgrading the images you’re using to promote your business. Whether you need product photography, food photography, or general brand photography, our experts on the Eastern Shore are ready to help!

Not sure what you need? Check out our Services to learn more about how we can work together.

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