Free 2-Day Workshop
JANUARY 30TH & 31ST FROM 11-12
How to create an 
e-commerce website that converts viewers into buyers
Thanks so much for your interest in our workshop! Be on the lookout for an email from us with all the details about the class.

hi, nice to meet you.

Welcome to Focus Creative.

Focus Creative Group is a brand photography and business education company rooted in service. 

Whether you work with us as a small business seeking professional photography or as a professional photographer seeking resources for your business, we will take care of you and do right by you.

Our vision is to be the go-to brand photographer for small and local businesses across the country by growing a network of amazing, kind-hearted photographers our clients can count on and trust.

Our mission is to capture beautiful photos that drive sales for our clients as well as provide support and community for brand photographers growing their business.

get to know us →

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Educational Resources

Start creating content that converts

free download

Learn the Top 5 content tips you can implement in a day that will help you create better content.

You got it! Check your email for your free guide.