Brooke Patterson has climbed to the top 2% of business owners with Rodan + Fields for the second year in a row, and I had the honor of taking her portrait for convention. Connect with her here and click here to learn more about her journey with R+F.
What an honor to take her portraits and be a part of her being recognized at convention! To accomplish this look, Brooke had her hair and makeup done by our friends over at RawwBeauty, and I used a 2 light setup including a 60” soft box and beauty dish along with a pure white backdrop. I just love the way it turned. She’s both so powerful and graceful at the same time.
Here is the image that was displayed life size at convention:
I loved getting to see it in person! Congrats to you, Brooke! I’m so happy for you!
Headshots and portraits are like your calling card. They put a face with a name. Anybody that is entrepreneurial needs a headshot, even if it’s just going to sit on LinkedIn.
It’s worth it. Your investment in headshots makes your first impression a good one. Today, your headshot is often the first time a person sees you. Stand out with great pictures that show the true you.