
Does your website need a new hero image?

Imagine this scenario (and we’ve seen it a lot)…

Someone goes to your website and there is a picture of the city you live in. More than likely this same picture is on several other local company websites. If you sell real estate, this probably isn’t a big deal, but if you are a financial planner or a restaurant owner, that image doesn’t really resonate with what you are selling.

Let us help you create the perfect hero image for your website, utilizing our years of photography and marketing experience.

Let us help you create the perfect hero image for your website, utilizing our years of photography and marketing experience.

Financial Planner Example – Are you selling real estate or financial freedom?

People are looking for a financial planner that is going to help them achieve their financial goals, and I can only imagine most peoples’ financial goals don’t have anything to do with a picture of the town they live in. Mine personally would include images of the beach, or someone like me 20 years down the road sitting on a giant porch, in a rocking chair, sipping sweet tea while my grandkids are running around, or showing me making a huge impact by giving big to a mission or organization. That is financial freedom to me.

Restaurant Example – Why choose your restaurant over every other place in town?

Yes, your restaurant is located in the city, but what sets you apart from all the other restaurants in town? Is it your delicious gourmet food, the friendly staff, or the ambiance of your location? Using custom imagery allows potential customers to get to know your business better and gain a sense of trust. Just think about it, if you are choosing a restaurant, are you going to go to the one with a picture of the town or the one that shows off how awesome it is?

Why do custom images really matter?

The images you use on your website matter, because it’s the first impression people have of your business when they go to your site. An image conveys your message in micro-moments when people are making a split second decision. Tell the story you want to tell by creating custom images that reflect your business and how you want your clients to feel.

This space is the first thing someone sees when they come to your site. Use that space to help create a vision of what it’s like to with your company. Start painting the picture of the success they will achieve after working with you.

Why choose Focus Creative?

In addition to our photography expertise, we have over 15 years of marketing experience. Our goal is to give you affordable solutions that help your business thrive and reach the customers you want.



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