
What to post – May 2019

Are you always trying to come up with good content to post for your business? Well…we are here to help.

We work with our clients to create content each month that their audience wants to see and to make sure you don’t miss those important holidays. To help you get ahead of the game, here are some of our favorite ways to celebrate online during the month of May and help your business get on the right track with your social media marketing.

Simply use this content calendar as a way to plan ahead and be ready for the big day!

TOP Reasons to Celebrate during May 2019

Ready to stop guessing … and know …. what your customers love to see? Here are our top ideas for posts during May 2019 for your business.

May 4 – Star Wars Day

May 5 – Cinco de Mayo

May 6 – Nurses Day

May 7 – Teacher Appreciation Day

May 12 – Mother’s Day

May 27 – Memorial Day

May 28 – National Hamburger Day

And don’t forget about graduation!

Save a copy of this graphic below or make it your desktop pic this month as a reminder.

Focus Creative helps e-commerce and retail businesses create photos and video each month that their audience loves. Here are a few ideas on what content to create during May 2019.

Focus Creative helps e-commerce and retail businesses create photos and video each month that their audience loves. Here are a few ideas on what content to create during May 2019.

Other things to consider when creating your content calendar:

  • Only use celebration days that are relevant to your business.

  • Create images that make sense for the celebration day AND your business. For instance, on Star Wars day you could highlight your employees who love Star Wars wearing their “May the 4th Be With You” t-shirts.

  • Get started early. Planning ahead is key to executing your content calendar.

Our goal is to help you create a library of custom images that showcase your business.

Do you need help creating content that works for your business?

It’s not just retail businesses that need to utilize content calendars. We help restaurants, medical offices, influencers, and people doing personal branding. We help YOUR business reach YOUR audience.

We are here to help create the images to go along with your content. If you need help in that department, contact us today to get started!


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