
Kassady Gibson Internationally Recognized in the Monochrome Awards 2021 Photo Contest

In the summer of 2021, I teamed up with model and friend, Alex Denning Lee, to create a series of black and white photos to submit for the Monochrome Awards 2021 Photo Contest. We had the best time creating the images and were so honored to receive Honorable Mention in three categories of this prestigious competition among photographers!!!

We had the best time letting our creative juices flow!

The Three Honorable Mentions Received:


Real Life – Honorable Mention (Fashion / Beauty, Professional)



Falling – Honorable Mention (Fine Art, Professional)



Dolly Dreams – Honorable Mention (Portrait, Professional)



About the Mono Awards

The connection of Black and White Photography with tradition and timeless values is beyond contestation. Since its infancy, black and white photography was not only the craft but primarily the art, where ideas conjured in the artist’s imagination is immortalized through the lens of their camera.

The Monochrome Awards is primarily aimed at people of whom photography is a passion and a way of life. It is a platform where professionals and amateurs can enter their shots amongst a sea of ambitious and creative community of photographers from around the world for a chance to win cash prizes and an opportunity to show their work to an international audience.

Over a dozen categories allow entrants to specify definitions of photographic specializations and their large diversity allows adequate representation of photographers in several key areas. As a pillar and cradle of photography, Black and White photography is evidently a product of a great tradition. It requires experience, ability to discern dependencies and subtleties of tone, and most of all, imagination.

With Monochrome Awards, you can show your skills in traditional photography relying on plates and papers, or in the technique of wet collodion, as well as in digital technology. The creative process in black and white photography is extremely flexible. It allows you to present a single image countless times, often showing it in a different way. Only the ability to use a variety of shades of black and white, spreading from the confines of these two tones while enclosed in the perfect frame, allows the artist to achieve mastery. Learn more at

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