
Christmas photography is in full swing

Reach new customers this Christmas

Are you still using stock photos and wondering why you aren’t attracting your ideal customer?If so, it’s time to let me help you build a library of custom images that speak to your ideal audience.

We are so close to the height of holiday sales, and with that, comes lots of holiday themed photos. We worked with our friends over at Freedom Soap Company to grab a few pictures with some Christmas spirit.

By using styled images, your business can reach customers who have similar interests. So, we worked with Freedom Soap Co. to come up with a fun holiday inspired shoot that will attract new customers along with resonate with their current customers and online followers.

Freedom Soap Co.’s Rosemary + Peppermint soap is a top seller during the holiday season.

Freedom Soap Co.’s Rosemary + Peppermint soap is a top seller during the holiday season.

How to stand out from other retail and e-commerce companies

You’ve heard this before, but the real key to standing out is to BE YOURSELF!!!

People are attracted to you and your business because of you, what you stand for, and how you make them feel.

Here are a few tips to help get you pointed in the right direction.

You can do all of these yourself, or you can hire me or another professional photographer in your area. Just make sure they understand your mission and brand.

  1. Start with asking yourself, what decision or action do I want my customers to make? Are you wanting them to buy a particular product, or learn more about your overall brand, or book a session with you. Whatever you’re offering, by understanding the action you want your customers to take, you’ll create photos that will work for your business instead of just having a bunch of photos that you may or may not be able to use. I see so many companies go with the “let’s see what we get” philosophy when it comes to a shoot, and more times than not, they are stuck with a mediocre campaign.

  2. For a retail and e-commerce based business like Freedom Soap, the answer is clear. They want to sell a lot of soap and want as many people as possible to see it. Understanding what your ideal customers likes to see helps you stand out in the sea of pretty pictures on Instagram and Facebook. With the flood of information available to consumers, having styled images – that resonate with what your customer already likes – really makes your business stand out in all of the noise.

  3. Last but not least, highlight what makes you – YOU! Freedom Soaps is all about all-natural and we wanted to showcase their natural ingredients along with fun decor. It’s also important to showcase top selling products during the holiday season that you know your audience loves. During this shoot, we featured greenery, lights, gift sets, Christmas trees, rosemary, and peppermint.

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Ready to build your custom library of images?

The key to getting started is just to start!

Find a photographer in your area and talk through what you want to accomplish, who you want to reach, how you want your photos to represent your brand.

The great part about doing this is that you will have a library of images and videos to access each year, so you’re not recreating the wheel and creating consistency and cohesiveness for your business across all platforms – print, facebook, instagram, youtube, etc.

If you are in the Birmingham or Fairhope, Alabama area or can ship your products to me, I’m happy to help you stand out this Holiday shopping season so you can reach your ideal customers.

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